Business Needs Global Rules Video | The Sequel


September 20, 2024

Imagine if all businesses played by the same rules.
It’s not just good for business, it’s good for all of us.
Business Needs Global Rules.

Watch our latest video to find out what kind of global rules are urgently needed to effectively tackle plastic pollution. 

As we are rapidly approaching the fifth and last planned round of negotiations (INC-5) in November in Busan, Republic of Korea, the +240 members and endorsers of the Business Coalition for a Global Plastics Treaty are calling for a legally binding treaty that is underpinned by harmonised regulations in order to tackle the entire lifecycle of plastic products. 

Together, they share an ambition to work towards a circular economy in which plastic never becomes pollution, and the value of products and materials is retained in the economy. 

To deliver on an ambitious treaty in line with UNEA resolution 5/14, we need an agreement at INC-5 that, as a minimum, includes the following:

  1. A set of common obligations to address problematic and avoidable plastic products, chemicals of concern and product design that should be complemented by a commitment of governments to implement effective Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and waste management policies.
  1. A comprehensive package to support the implementation of the treaty, including through the use of different mechanisms to mobilise both public and private finance.
  1. A mandate to develop sector-specific programmes of work, so that key provisions in the treaty can be implemented for plastic applications where there is sufficient alignment, such as packaging and fishing gear to start with.
  1. A sound mechanism for reporting, monitoring of progress and evaluating the treaty’s effectiveness on a regular basis, with the possibility for the governing body of the treaty to further strengthen policy measures over time.

Find out more about our ambition for the treaty ahead of INC-5 here

Watch our previous video here 

The stages

Setting out

The draft treaty text includes a (sub-)section related to this focus area, but the proposed provisions do not reflect our recommendations.

Base camp

The draft treaty text proposes provisions that are at least partly aligned with our recommendations, but some major changes still need to be incorporated and/ or it lacks the necessary references to develop technical specifications to make them meaningful, operational and enforceable.

Starting the climb

The draft treaty text proposes provisions that are mostly aligned to our recommendations, and it references the need to develop technical specifications to ensure harmonised implementation.

Almost there

The draft treaty text proposes provisions that are aligned to our recommendations, and it requires technical specifications to be adopted by the INC or the future governing body to help governments to implement harmonised and effective regulations.


The draft treaty text contains both the legal provisions and the technical specifications needed to help governments to implement harmonised and effective regulations in line with our recommendations.

Starting the climb

Chemicals and polymers of concern

Starting the climb

Problematic and avoidable plastic products

Base camp

Reduce, Reuse, Refill and repair of plastics and plastic products

Base camp

Product design and performance

Starting the climb

Extended Producer Responsibility

Starting the climb

Waste management

Photo of Ellen
Starting the journey

The draft treaty text includes a (sub-)section related to this focus area, but the proposed provisions do not reflect the Business Coalition’s recommendations.

Photo of Ellen
Base camp

The draft treaty text proposes provisions that are at least partly aligned with the Business Coalition recommendations, but some major changes still need to be incorporated and/ or it lacks the necessary references to develop technical specifications to make them meaningful, operational and enforceable.

Photo of Ellen
Starting the climb

The draft treaty text proposes provisions that are mostly aligned to the Business Coalition’s recommendations, and it references the need to develop technical specifications to ensure harmonised implementation. 

Photo of Ellen
Almost there

The draft treaty text proposes provisions that are aligned to the Business Coalition’s recommendations, and it requires technical specifications to be adopted by the INC or the future governing body to help governments to implement harmonised and effective regulations.

Photo of Ellen

The draft treaty text contains both the legal provisions and the technical specifications needed to help governments to implement harmonised and effective regulations in line with the Business Coalition’s recommendations.